Everything you need to support you in your efforts as a family caregiver
The Agency shall provide nursing care based on excellent nursing care standards established by the industry. Care Positive will provide nursing services (RN,s, CMA and Companions) for home care. These services shall be of the highest quality, provided by the most competent, ethical staff in a cost efficient manner.

Our Mission
The Agency shall provide nursing care based on excellent nursing care standards established by industry regulations. Care Positive will provide nursing services(RN’s CNA’s and Companions) for home care. These services shall be of the highest quality, provided by the most competent, ethical staff in a cost efficient manner.

Affiliate Organizations

Looking for Services or Advice?
Your request will be answered within 24 hours
I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for all of the help. My brother and I would not have known where to turn at times without your knowledge and assistance. Your caregivers and assistance you have provided for my mother Lory, through her transition, and my father Bobby who is under your care currently.
This letter is in support of Care Positive, Inc Home Healthcare that supports TERRIFIC, Inc as we provide several projects, subsidized housing, and supportive services for vulnerable District of Columbia elderly persons and their families. TERRIFIC, Inc., a forty-one-year-old, private, non-profit organization has been pleased to work collaboratively with Victor and Barbara Oke, owners of Care Positive Inc., for approximately two years and has established a positive productive working relationship.